

A part of PCC Group with 28 years experience
Your reliable partner in the silicone field

In the semiconductor electronics industry, SiSiB products are used as photo resist adhesion promoters and CVD/ALD thin film precursors for litho spacers, low temperature oxides, and ultra low-K dielectrics.

In chip manufacture, high purity SiSiB Ethyl Silicates tetraethyl orthosilicates are important feedstocks and are preferably used for generating dielectric layers by CVD.

Our high purity electronic grade SiSiB® PC9210 hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS or HMDZ) used in the electronics industry functions as excellent adhesion promoters for photoresist resins in the production of semiconductors. This product is critical to the bonding of photoresists to silicon dioxide surfaces.The silicon wafer that the semiconductor is manufactured upon naturally has some oxide on the surface. Priming with hexamethyldisilazane allows for better wetting of the resin and prevents the delamination of the photoresist during development and wet etch processing. With the introduction of new porous low k dielectrics, HMDS or HMDZ has found additional use as a dielectric repair treatment for porous low-K after plasma etching.