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Silane Adhesion Promoters

SiSiB® silanes often provide dramatic improvement in adhesion by reducing moisture attack at the interface; enable an adhesive or sealant to bond chemical to substrate.
Typical benefits for silane adhesion promoters:

SiSiB® silanes are bifunctional organosilicon compounds which act as molecular bridges between the polymer matrix of an adhesive or sealant and the substrate, either inorganic or organic. SiSiB® silanes can improve adhesive or sealant adhesion significantly. While the concentration needed for a specific application may vary, one percent (1%) based on resin content is recommended as a good starting point.

The silane coupling agent is chosen by matching its organic functionality to the polymer to optimize bonding. The most commonly used adhesion promoters are amino-, epoxy- and methacryloxy- silanes.