

A part of PCC Group with 28 years experience
Your reliable partner in the silicone field

Vinyl Silicone Resins

Vinyl functional polymethyl siloxane resins for enhancing mechanical properties (hardness and tear strength) in RTV-2 addition cured systems.

Product Name Vinyl Content Viscosity(cSt)
SiSiB® VMQ-6011 0.94~0.98 (wt%) 0.355mmol/g 5500-6800
(50% pure resin, 50% vinyl silicone oil)
SiSiB® VMQ-6051 1.10~1.14 (wt%) 0.415mmol/g 10000~12000
(60% pure resin,40% vinyl silicone oil)
SiSiB® VMQ-6052 1.08~1.12 (wt%) 0.407mmol/g 18000~21000
(60% pure resin, 40% vinyl silicone oil)
SiSiB® VMQ-6053 1.23~1.27 (wt%) 0.463mmol/g 50000~90000
(70% pure resin, 30% vinyl silicone oil)
SiSiB® VMQ-6826 1.29~1.33 (wt%) 0.485mmol/g 6000~7000
(50% pure resin, 50% vinyl silicone oil)
SiSiB® VMQ-6836 1.90~1.96 (wt%) 0.715mmol/g 6000~7000
(50% pure resin, 50% vinyl silicone oil)
SiSiB® VMQ-19160 13.0~13.4 (wt%) 4.889mmol/g 7000~11000
(100% pure resin)

Vinyl Phenyl Silicone Resins.

Product Name Vinyl Content Viscosity(cSt) Refractive Index
SiSiB® PVMQ-6012 2.4-2.5 4500-6000 1.5180-1.5200
SiSiB® PVMQ-6013 2.46-2.58 17000-20000 1.5240-1.5270
SiSiB® PVMQ-6051 4.10-4.40 7000-10000 1.5250-1.5380
SiSiB® PVMQ-6052 5.23-5.37 7000-9000 1.5320-1.5380
SiSiB® PVMQ-6053 5.30-5.65 17000-20000 1.5380-1.5420
SiSiB® PVMQ-6062 5.17-5.38 7000-9000 1.5250-1.5290
SiSiB® PVMQ-6063 5.62-5.97 17000-20000 1.5310-1.5360
SiSiB® PVMQ-6067 8.50-8.80 800-1100 1.5100-1.5250
SiSiB® PVMQ-6071 3.10-3.50 50000 1.5410-1.5490
SiSiB® PVMQ-6072 5.0-5.5 150000-200000 1.5350-1.5450
SiSiB® PVMQ-6A1 6.21 5000 1.51
SiSiB® PVMQ-6A2 7.29 10000 1.51
SiSiB® PVMQ-6A3 7.29 4000 1.51
SiSiB® PVMQ-10P 8.8 8000 1.52
SiSiB® PVMQ-56M 6 15000 1.53
SiSiB® PVMQ-01P 6 3200 1.5175
SiSiB® PVMQ-6A7 6 12500-14500 1.53
SiSiB® PVMQ-6A11 4.9 18000-20000 1.54
SiSiB® PVMQ-6A12 5.8 20000-22000 1.53
SiSiB® PVMQ-6A13 5.1 16000-18000 1.54
SiSiB® PVMQ-6A14 4.5 18000-20000 1.545