

A part of PCC Group with 28 years experience
Your reliable partner in the silicone field

α,ω-silanol-terminated polydimethylsiloxane;

Chemical Structure


SiSiB® OF0025 is a low viscosity hydroxyl terminated silicone that cross-links to form a durable silicone coating to various hard surfaces.

Typical Physical Properties

Chemical Name: α,ω-silanol-terminated polydimethylsiloxane,
CAS No.: 70131-67-8
Color and Appearance: Colorless clear liquid
Active Ingredient: 100%
Density [25°C]: 0.98
Viscosity [25°C]: 20~30 cSt
OH content, wt: >8.5%


Low viscosity silanol fluids are employed as filler treatments and structure control additives in silicone rubber compounding. Intermediate viscosity, 1000-10,000 cSt. fluids can be applied to textiles as durable fabric softeners.

High viscosity silanol terminated fluids form the matrix component in tackifiers and pressure sensitive adhesives.


Net weight 190Kg steel drum or 950Kg IBC container, for more details, please visit Packing Centre.